Air grilles

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Single ventilation grilles and horizontal run sections with special profiled blades

  • Nominal sizes 225 × 75 – 1225 × 425 mm and horizontal run sections
  • Volume flow rate range 10 – 1235 l/s or 36 – 4446 m³/h
  • Grille face made of aluminium with anodised finish
  • Front border suitable for floor installation without an installation subframe
  • Removable grille core with special spring clip fixing

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Grille face in RAL CLASSIC colours
  • Attachments for volume flow rate balancing and air direction control

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Ventilation grille with droplet shaped blades

  • Nominal sizes 225 × 75 to 1225 × 325 mm
  • Volume flow rate range 11 – 1305 l/s or 40 – 4698 m³/h
  • Grille face made of galvanised sheet steel
  • Front border with countersunk holes, 27 mm wide

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Grille face in RAL CLASSIC colours
  • Installation subframe
  • Attachments for volume flow rate balancing and air direction control

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The new X-GRILLE Basic ventilation grilles with their gently sloped border combine function with an attractive design; they can be installed in walls, sills or rectangular ducts.

  • Nominal sizes 225 × 125 – 1225 × 525 mm
  • Volume flow rate range 19 – 2651 l/s or 68 – 9544 m³/h
  • Energy-efficient and acoustically optimised air discharge
  • Symmetric blade profile for two-way entry flow
  • Uniform look and easy adjustment due to concealed blade linkage
  • Gently sloped border construction, almost completely flush with the installation surface
  • Linear look, ideal for continuous horizontal runs
  • Use of existing rear assemblies
  • Easy replacement of existing grilles due to standard installation dimensions

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Installation subframe
  • Attachments for volume flow rate balancing and air direction control
  • Concealed screw fixing
  • Spring clip fixing

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KS (Plastic Grilles)

Type KS grilles suitable for supply and extract use. 
The grille has an injection moulded border with holes for site fixing with suitable screws.

Type KS-A with horizontal face blades which are individually adjustable.

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Ventilation grille with droplet shaped blades

  • Nominal sizes 225 × 125 – 1225 × 525 mm
  • Volume flow rate range 23 – 2000 l/s or 83 – 7200 m³/h
  • Grille face made of sheet steel, powder-coated
  • Front border with countersunk holes, 27 mm wide

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Grille face in RAL CLASSIC colours
  • Grille face made of galvanised sheet steel, without powder coating
  • Installation subframe
  • Installation subframe for fitting filter media
  • Attachments for volume flow rate balancing and air direction control
  • Concealed screw fixing

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Hit and miss damper with airflow straighteners

  • Nominal sizes 225 × 75 to 1225 × 325 mm
  • Perimeter angle section frame

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Ventilation grille with droplet shaped blades

  • Nominal sizes 225 × 75 to 1225 × 325 mm
  • Volume flow rate range 11 – 1305 l/s or 40 – 4698 m³/h
  • Grille face made of sheet steel, powder-coated
  • Front border with countersunk holes, 27 mm wide

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Grille face in RAL CLASSIC colours
  • Grille face made of galvanised sheet steel, without powder coating
  • Installation subframe
  • Installation subframe for fitting filter media
  • Attachments for volume flow rate balancing and air direction control
  • Concealed screw fixing

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Ventilation grille with droplet shaped blades

  • Nominal sizes 225 × 75 – 1225 × 225 mm
  • Volume flow rate range 11 – 930 l/s or 40 – 3348 m³/h
  • Grille face made of galvanised sheet steel
  • Front border with countersunk holes, 27 mm wide

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Grille face in RAL CLASSIC colours
  • Attachments for volume flow rate balancing and air direction control

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Please select your disired product properties:
Ventilation grilles, made of aluminium, with fixed longitudinal blades, for floor installation – also for horizontal runs AF


Ventilation grilles, made of aluminium, with fixed longitudinal blades, for floor installation – also for horizontal runs

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Ventilation grilles, made of galvanised sheet steel, with individually adjustable, vertical blades, for installation into rectangular ducts TRSK


Ventilation grilles, made of galvanised sheet steel, with individually adjustable, vertical blades, for installation into rectangular ducts

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Ventilation grilles with flat border construction – also for continuous horizontal runs X-GRILLE Basic


Ventilation grilles with flat border construction – also for continuous horizontal runs

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KS (Plastic Grilles)

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Ventilation grilles, made of sheet steel, with individually adjustable, horizontal blades TR


Ventilation grilles, made of sheet steel, with individually adjustable, horizontal blades

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Hit and miss dampers, made of sheet steel, for installation into rectangular ducts ASW


Hit and miss dampers, made of sheet steel, for installation into rectangular ducts

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Ventilation grilles, made of sheet steel, with individually adjustable, vertical blades TRS


Ventilation grilles, made of sheet steel, with individually adjustable, vertical blades

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Ventilation grilles, made of galvanised sheet steel, with individually adjustable, vertical blades, for installation into circular ducts TRSR


Ventilation grilles, made of galvanised sheet steel, with individually adjustable, vertical blades, for installation into circular ducts

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Damper units, made of dip coated sheet steel, with air control blades, for installation into rectangular ducts DGW


Damper units, made of dip coated sheet steel, with air control blades, for installation into rectangular ducts

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Damper units, made of dip coated sheet steel, for installation into rectangular ducts AGW


Damper units, made of dip coated sheet steel, for installation into rectangular ducts

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Ventilation grilles, made of high-quality aluminium – also for continuous horizontal runs X-GRILLE Cover


Ventilation grilles, made of high-quality aluminium – also for continuous horizontal runs

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Ball impact resistant ventilation grille made of aluminium, with fixed horizontal blades AWT


Ball impact resistant ventilation grille made of aluminium, with fixed horizontal blades

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