




Polygon casing, 90° or 180° air discharge, for comfort and industrial zones

Polygon displacement flow diffusers

  • Spigot diameter 160 – 630 mm, nominal height 500 – 1750 mm
  • Volume flow rate range 17 – 915 l/s or 62 – 3295 m³/h
  • Perforated plate, square pitch
  • Circular duct connection
  • Duct connection at the top or bottom
  • Integral airflow straightener and conical equalising element

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Wall mount
  • Damper blade for volume flow rate balancing
  • Exposed surface in RAL CLASSIC colours



  • Type QLV displacement flow diffusers are used as supply air units for industrial and comfort zones
  • Attractive design element for building owners and architects with demanding aesthetic requirements
  • Floor-standing installation on walls or in corners
  • Low-velocity airflow, causing only low levels of induction and resulting in low-turbulence displacement ventilation.
  • Excellent air quality in the occupied zone
  • Draught-free and economical ventilation and air conditioning also of larger internal spaces such as shop floors or auditoriums, with several displacement flow diffusers in a regular arrangement
  • For variable and constant volume flows
  • For supply air to room air temperature differences from –6 to –1 K

Special characteristics

  • Three-way or five-way air discharge
  • Duct connection at the top or bottom
  • Optional damper blade for volume flow rate balancing

Nominal sizes

  • ∅D: 160, 200, 250, 315, 400, 500, 630 mm
  • H: 500, 600, 800, 1000, 1250, 1500, 1750 mm



  • QLV-90: 90° air discharge
  • QLV-180: 180° air discharge
  • QLV-...-O: Spigot at the top
  • QLV-...-U: Spigot at the bottom

Parts and characteristics

  • Polygon casing
  • Equalising element and airflow straightener that ensure a uniform supply air discharge
  • Lip seal, optional for QLV-...-O


  • Damper blade for volume flow rate balancing


  • Lip seal
  • Wall mount

Construction features

  • Spigot suitable for circular ducts to EN 1506 or EN 13180

Materials and surfaces

  • Top cover, base, spigot and side parts made of galvanised sheet steel
  • S7: Top cover and base made of aluminium
  • Corner and edge trims are extruded aluminium sections
  • Airflow straightener made of plastic
  • Equalising element made of synthetic fibres
  • Lip seal made of rubber
  • Surface powder-coated RAL 9010, pure white
  • P1: Powder-coated, RAL CLASSIC colour
  • S7: Surface galvanised

Standards and guidelines

  • Sound power level of the air-regenerated noise measured according to EN ISO 5135


  • Maintenance-free as construction and materials are not subject to wear
  • Inspection and cleaning to VDI 6022


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